Flower Essences V Essential Oils

Flower Essence

As a flower essence practitioner, I have seen hundreds of people journey through challenging life situations, supported by flower essence remedies. Flowers attract energy to them—the secret behind the forms, colours, scents and consciousness that they manifest.

As humans, we have a love affair with flowers dating back centuries. Flowers are placed on graves, and they help with many rites of passage, including marriages, births, celebrations, sickness, and death. Can you imagine a world without flowers?


When we feel ungrounded or sad, we generally head to nature or buy flowers to help heal that part of us that needs some natural nurturing. Nature holds a potent energy/vibration that most folk can’t see or feel, but on a subconscious level, we know this. It is natural to want to hang out in nature.


So, all flowers hold healing properties, and flower essences differ from essential oils in their production. Essential oils are incredibly potent and aromatic compounds. Flower essences are subtle, as they are the vibrations used when processing the flower to make them. Flower Essences do not smell like the flower they represent. This means that the vibration from the flower works with your subtle body or energy body and helps to unravel the blockages that are preventing you from moving forward.


Flower Essences are produced very differently from their cousins. There are several ways that flower essences are made. One way is by using a particular blossom of a flower and allowing it to soak in water over a certain period, which allows the vibration from that flower to penetrate the water, which is then strained and preserved into flower essence mother stock.


You might be thinking flowers are vibrations! We are all made of energy, and so, too, is our kingdom of nature. The flower you resonate with or are drawn to will have the vibration you need to work with.


Experiment: find a flower in nature, your garden, that you are drawn to and allow yourself to sit with this flower, placing your hands just over it so the vibration from the flower is felt in your hand. ( If you can’t feel anything, that is fine )

Bring a situation forward that perhaps you want to work through, tune into your feelings and notice what has come up “for you”. You might feel calm, happy, sad, annoyed, angry. The healing process of the flower that you are experiencing. Allow yourself to sit quietly and let the process unravel.


Do I prefer one over the other? Sometimes, yes, I do. Flower essences are my first preference when working with emotional issues. For any physical problems, essential oils are my first preference. Then, I will work together with both essential oils and flower essences. So, they both play a vital part in wellness.

Essential Oils

I often wonder how Essential Oils have become such a big advocate of Natural Wellness and Health.


You will see it everywhere you look on social media: people talking about them, using them daily, and sharing their incredible journey with Essential Oils. Essential oils have been around for centuries and are used as natural medicine.

It is not just something that smells nice; hey, that smell plays an integral part in wellness using essential oils.

Aromas have a substantial psychological influence on us. Historically, a sense of smell was one of the most potent constituents of behaviour and survival. Unfortunately, our acute sense of smell seems to have taken a back seat in today’s world. Our vision and hearing senses are at the forefront, while our sense of smell is the most subtle means of communication.


When a baby is born, it first inhales the different aromas in the air. It uses its sense of smell to recognise its mumma and form that bond and security.


When we walk in nature, we stimulate our vision with pleasant scenery, feel the air and sunlight on our skin, and, at a subconscious level, swim in all kinds of aromas.


The subtle sense of flowers, leaves, earth, and bush quietly communicates with us. The Olfactory System plays a big part in Essential Oils. This is connected to the Limbic System, a group of limbic brain structures involved in the sense of smell, which triggers memories and influences our emotions. The limbic system also works with the body’s nervous, respiratory, circulatory, and immune systems.

Essential oils can be absorbed through the skin, the body’s largest organ. They penetrate the pores and hair follicles, areabsorbed by the capillaries, and eventually reach the bloodstream. Once the essential oil has circulated throughout the body and done its job, it will be expelled from the body.


There are several techniques for extracting essential oils from a plant, including steam distillation, cold pressing, and solvent extraction; each method produces a different product.

Steam and cold press are the most common forms of extraction. In these, the plant material is placed on screens and streamed, often superheated at high pressures that pass through the material. This draws out the volatile components. 

Essential oils are very volatile and potent due to the chemical components in each essential oil, so they need to be handled with care. They carry contraindications, meaning some vital oils might interfere with specific medication.


Essential oils are generally recommended for external use, meaning they are applied to parts of the body or aromatically and diffuse the oil, sending particles into the environment we breathe in. Then, the olfactory system kicks in and does its job. Essential oils help target parts of the body and play a crucial role in helping with emotions. I will also say that some oils help with the spiritual connection.